Search Result

Lim Jia Xing
Public Transport
Pending Road 227, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
NTU 3 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 5


  • Chinese
  • Science
  • Maths
  • Chinese
  • Elementary Maths
  • Maths
  • Additional Maths
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Phy/Chem.
  • Bio/Chem.

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Bukit Batok
  • Bukit Gombak
  • Choa Chu Kang
  • Tengah
  • Yew Tee
  • Bukit Timah


"Discipline is the key to success. Be the hardest worker in the room."
Hi, I am currently an undergraduate in NTU. I have numerous student ranging from primary school to secondary school. I am expertise in teaching any of the maths or science subject for both secondary and primary school student. As a student, I have taken before all three sciences and therefore able to juggle between the 3 sciences. In addition, my field of study is in chemical engineering which revolves around a lot of mathematical and science module, therefore this adds to my advantage as compared to other tutors. Lastly, I have taught before both normal academic and express student and therefore able to teach differently depending on their stream. I have taught primary school kids with dyslexia and depression before, so with high level of patience I believe that my student are able to learn better under my coaching.
I have taught a total of 8 students before. Most of my students actually failed before attending my class, but after attending they obtained a minimum B4 for either their mathematics or science (phy.chem/bio) in their N or O levels.
My cGPA for diploma is 3.778. I have been awarded as the second most outstandng performance student in my second year of studies. In addition, I am inducted into the director list in my second year of study. I have obtained a total of 10 AD in my polytechnic days. AD referring to the top 3 of the most outstanding student in the respective module. Out of the 10 AD, 5 of which I topped the whole cohord. These modules include ANalysis of chem eng process Chemical Engineering Lab 2.1 Chemical Engineering Lab 2.2 Transfer Process Fluid FLow Reaction Engineering