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Tuition Class ID C714306
Offer Date 2022-02-14 12:17:38
Location Senja rd 670630 (Search for Map)
Student Level Sec 5 (O level)
Subject English
No. of Student 1
No. of Class Weekly 1
Duration of the Class 1.5 (h)
Preferred Tuition Day Mon or Wed from 7-7.30pm
Preferred Time From 7-7.30pm
Preferred Race Chinese
Preferred Gender Male
Parent's Budget neg
Remark I am looking for a current school tutor who is specialized in secondary o level english for sec 5 student. 1. 5h once per week, location at bukit panjang, postal code 670630, mon or wed from 7-7. 30pm market rate race: chinese please state: qualification and age no of students taught in this subject and notable grade improvement detailed tutoring methods profile picture thank you ps: the tutor must be able experienced and specialized in teaching secondary english and have shown track records to improve grade.

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