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Tuition Class ID C714966
Offer Date 2024-02-01 08:58:35
Location Edgedale plains(Search for Map)
Student Level Primary 3
Subject Chinese (very basic command)
No. of Student 1
No. of Class Weekly 1
Duration of the Class 2 (h)
Preferred Tuition Day Monday to friday
Preferred Time after 5pm
Is Timing Flexible Yes
Preferred Tutor Qualification Full Time Tutor
Another Preferred Tutor Qualification -
Preferred Race Any Race
Preferred Gender Female
Parent's Budget $30/hr
Remark Student is in primary 3. She is very weak in chinese, even counting in mandarin is difficult for her. She need to catch up to primary 3 standard. Her current standard might be kindergarden 1 or 2.

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