Tuition Class ID C77125
Offer Date 2014-04-29 22:51:43
Location Yunnan Drive (Search for Map)
Student Level P3
Subject Maths & Science
No. of Student 1
No. of Class Weekly 1
Duration of the Class 1.5 (h)
Preferred Tuition Day Saturday
Preferred Time 10am
Preferred Race Any
Preferred Gender Female
Parent's Budget neg
Remark Undergraduate

Submit Your Application Here

Date of Application: 27/07/2024
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Your Time Table *
Can you teach at student's preferred time?
What's your available time table?
Your Subject *
Can you teach all the subjects required?

Your Expected Rate * (eg: $20-25/hr neg)
Why should you be hired? * (Important):

Thank you for your application. In order to inrease your chance of being shortlisted, please make sure you follow our tips:

1. What's your preferred timing? Is it negotiable?

2. What's your expected rate? Is it negotiable?

3. Why should we hire you? Tell me more about your qualification, personality and past experience.