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Tuition Class ID C711809
Offer Date 2018-04-09 10:10:09
Location 303 Canberra Road 750303 (Search for Map)
Student Level Nafa
Subject Architecture Drawing Design
No. of Student 1
No. of Class Weekly 1
Duration of the Class 1.5 (h)
Preferred Tuition Day to be further discussed (prefer flexibility)
Preferred Time no preference (prefer flexibility)
Preferred Race Any Race
Preferred Gender Any
Parent's Budget Neg
Remark Name: lim wei jie (age 19, year two currently) school: nanyang academy of fine arts diploma in interior and exhibition design address: sembawang, 303 canberra road postal code: 750303 duration: once/ twice per week two hours per lesson prefer flexibility, hence no preferred days rate: to be further discussed i would like to seek for a tutor/ 2 separate tutors who knows 3ds max (computer software programme for interior design) and architecture drawing techniques.

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