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Sivakami Krishnan
Public Transport
Ang Mo Kio , singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
University Undergraduate
University Undergraduate
Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Media Studies and Management
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
University of Londonn | 3 | Bachelor in Science in Accounting and Finance with honours |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 2 | Home Tutoring |
- Conversational English
- English
- Tamil
- Maths
- Phonics
- English
- Tamil
- Science
- Maths
- Higher Tamil
- English
- Maths
- Literature/SS
- Management
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Ang Mo Kio
- Braddell
- Bugis
- Bukit Ho Swee
- Commonwealth
- Dhoby Ghout
- Farrer Park
- Holland
- Khatib
- Lavender
- Little India
- Newton
- Novena
- Orchard
- Queenstown
- Redhill
- Somerset
- Tanglin
- Thomson - Lower
- Tiong Bahru
- Toa Payoh
- Yio Chu Kang
- Yishun
"Always aiming for better achievement than the previous "
I am currently a student from University of London pursuing a degree in Accounting and Finance with honours.
I have a passion for learning and also love to impart my knowledge to others . I believe that aiming for a high target, gives the path towards your success, provided that the method you use is an effective and efficient one. As always they say,
Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
March 2010-september2011
Private Tutor
- primary 4 and a Secondary 1 school student( in 2010)
- primary 5 and a secondary 2 school students(in 2011)
- English(primary and secondary), Mathematics(primary and elementary maths), Science(primary ), Tamil(primary)
- Implementing structural method to teach each student according to students’ capability to cope with the subjects.
- Achievements : Both students were able to upgrade themselves with better grades from their previous results.
- 3 years consecutive Gold Award certificate ,2007-2010 in recognition of academic studies, code of conduct, involvement in school activities, display of leadership and support to peers and staffs in school
- Admitted to Director’s List for outstanding academic performance (Academic Year 2011/12 Semester 2)