Search Result

Boon Kin Teh
Public Transport
Singapore, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
PhD Student   
Bachelor's Degree
Namyang Technological University
Physics and Minor in math
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
NTU 3 Physics and Math
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 4


  • Maths
  • Additional Maths
  • Physics
  • Maths H1
  • Maths H2
  • Maths H3
  • Physics
  • Engineering Math

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Boon Lay
  • Bukit Batok
  • Chinese Garden
  • Clementi
  • Dover
  • Lakeside
  • Bukit Timah
  • Jurong
  • Pioneer


"Math is the language for science"
During my undergraduate in NTU, I am a teaching assistant of math and physics lab for about two years. This makes up my mind, as students need to be proactive in the learning process. Due to this, when I am conducting home tuition, I usually will bring out the key concepts follow by exercise. As I think this is one of the most effective ways of learning. Since statically show that it is only about 7% information can be retained without practicing. Besides that, I also design some questions that combine several key concepts. This not only helps in student to get a better understanding, but also know its application in the real world system that can be very useful.
#. Teaching assistant in Math at NTU #. Teaching assistant in physics lab at NTU #. Home tutor for two students (sec 2&4) for 2 years. (Quit in the early of 2013 to focus on my final year project)
#. First class honours in Physics with minor in math. #. Dean Listed student #. NTU president research scholar #. Distinction in Malaysia National Chemistry Quiz.