Search Result

Koh Wen Ning
Public Transport
Tanah Merah, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Higher Secondary/Pre-U/A Level
National University of Singapore/ Dunman High
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
National University of Singapore 4 Material Science Engineering
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 2 NIL


  • Elementary Maths
  • Maths
  • Additional Maths
  • Maths H1
  • Maths H2

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Bedok
  • Chai Chee
  • Changi
  • Eunos
  • Expo
  • Frankel
  • Katong
  • Kembangan
  • Marina Parade
  • Pasir Ris
  • Paya Lebar
  • Simei
  • Tampines
  • Tanah Merah


"Education is not received, It's acheived"
Having gone through this education system myself, i understand the difficulties and challenges students face. I am confident in teaching secondary school math and H2 math. Currently I have Secondary 3 and 4 and 4 H2 math (RJC, DHS,CJC and RV) students. I am greatly familiar with their syllabus. My emphasis isn’t just solely on grades itself. I would like to help the students to gain interest towards maths. During tuition, I’ll pick out a few questions to enhance their understanding of the concepts. When the tuition ends, I normally will give them HW to do. Before the next tuition, my students will submit their answers to me so I can mark it before tuition. I’ll make it a point to go thru with them, be it through sms or in person. I don’t believe in giving students answers. I will always prompt students for the answers. I would like to think that i am a friendly person. I’m quite close to the tutees I’m currently teaching. When they’ve problems with their school work, they wont hesitate to whatsapp me to clarify their concepts. I look forward to teaching your children and helping them score the A’s!
After tutoring two of my H2 students, my student obtained A for their exams.