Search Result
Evangeline Chia Fangling
760844, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Primary/Secondary School/O Level
Yishun Town Secondary
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 7 | Private Tutor |
- English
- Maths
- English
- Elementary Maths
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Admiralty
- Ang Mo Kio
- Bishan
- Khatib
- Kranji
- Mandai
- Marsiling
- Sembawang
- Thomson - Lower
- Woodlands
- Yio Chu Kang
- Yishun
- Jurong
"Love what you do!"
I teach English not with the sole aim of improving their grades but by inculcating in them a love for the language.
I have taught 2 home-schooling students who did not attend public school for their Secondary education and they scored A2 and B3 respectively.
My aim is to instill in them a passion for the language that translates not only to their grades - but a love for books and a deeper understanding of the other English-based subjects as well.
I strongly believe that a tutor's results and grades does not define their ability to teach - teaching is an art. Yes, grades help but they do not define. I have had the privilege to teach students that range from primary to secondary levels as I'm able to connect with the students in a way that allows them to open up on their challenges faced in the subject. The way a student learns is through communication and the tutor's understanding of the tutee's needs.
I hope not just to improve the student's grades, but to make an impactful change in their life :)
1) Home-schooled Sec 4 Student #1 (English)
O Level Result: A2
2) Home-schooled Sec 4 Student #2 (English)
O Level Result: B3
3) Secondary 2 Student (English)
Recent SA1 English Result: B3
Recent SA1 Math Result: A1
4) Secondary 2 Student (Pure Physics)
Result: Improved from failed score to a B over half a year
5) Primary 6 Student (Math)
Result: Improved from borderline pass to C for PSLE Math over half a year
6) Primary 5 Student (Math)
Result: Improved from fail (30%) to 40% over half a year
7) Primary 2 Student (Math)
Result: Improved from fail (30% ) to pass (50%) over half a year