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In order to make sure our tutors receive latest update of new tuition assignments, we provide up to 6 newsletter subscription options:

1. Instant Job Alert By SMS - We will send out "invitation" to tutors who are ACTIVE + MOST SUITABLE for the job. Several factors will be taken into account, such as:
a. Last Log In & Last Update (Available Timeslot)
b. Profile of tutor - Are Self-Description / Proven Track Record / Academic Achievement / Slogan etc filled up?
c. Previous records / Feedbacks from clients

2. Instant Job Alert By Email - You will receive the Job Alert as soon as a new assignment is registered. We welcome your application through our website. However, we regret that only shortlisted tutor will be notified.

3 & 4. Daily Job Alert & Weekly Job Alert - We will send out daily update of all new tuition assignments to tutors who subscribed to Daily Job Alert on weekdays. As for Weekly Job Alert, we will send out a weekly compilation of all new assignments during the weekend.

5 & 6. Social Media Update - We will post the information of new tuition assignments on the wall of our FACEBOOK and TWITTER pages. Join now if you do not want to miss out any job offers!

To update your newsletter subscription, please click on Newsletter Subscription.

Last but not least, your comments and feedback are always welcomed :) (Enquiry@HomeTuitionCare.com)


Newsletter Subscription

Dear Tutors,

If you wish to enable / disable "Instant Job Offer By SMS", kindly click on the "Newsletter Subscription" to update your status. You are advised to "Update Your Profile" frequently because we prefer to send out SMS Job offer to ACTIVE tutors, based on the date of last login / last update. The reason is very simple - We want the parents / students to view the updated version of your profile.

We will soon announce the guideline to increase your chance of being selected by our coordinators. :)

For those who are not available at the moment, kindly switch your account to "Not Available". We appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you and all the best in your job hunting !!!

You can also LIKE our        page for latest update!

We wish you all the best in your tuition job searching.

Your Status:


Your ID:


Click here to see all available tuition jobs.

What to do if you do not receive any offer from us?

Here are the suggestions (and have you completed all these?) :

  • Visit our Website frequently and apply for the tuition assignments through the website if you do not receive instant job alert from us. Our consultants will contact you if you are shortlisted.

  • Update Your Profile: Provide us with more details about yourself in 'Self Description', 'Proven Track Record' and 'Academic Achievement' section. Remember to update your profile frequently!

  • Upload Your Photo: Having a friendly and professional profile picture leaves a good impression on the parents. Your chance of being selected will definitely be higher. First Impression Counts!

  • Become a verified tutor! We would prefer to recommend our verified tutors to the parents. Of course, they do expect us to check the qualifications of our tutors. Due to the reason, we are strict in verifying the qualifications of our tutors. Please also note that only verified tutor will receive tuition assignments from us.

  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Newsletter subscription is free! We will ensure that you receive our instant job alert anytime, anywhere!